Stories in Motion for Students with High SEL Needs

Introducing Stories in Motion

To ensure a safe and successful school experience for students with high SEL needs, educators need effective tools that build problem solving skills in and out of the classroom.

With our online, interactive program, Stories in Motion, elementary school students create personalized social narratives around common school scenarios.

Stories in Motion

Students being by creating a character to represent them in these stories, then choose from twelve different topics to create a personalized narrative using dialogue and thought options. These topics include anxiety, bullying, cooperating, coping, friendship, joining in, listening, personal space, perspective taking, sportsmanship, stop and think, and transitions.

In the example to the right, students react to a bullying situation on the playground.

How would your student react if asked to do something inappropriate, embarrassing, or even dangerous?

Stories in Motion helps students think through these scenarios before they experience them in real life.

And an in game assistant provides positive reinforcement along the way!

Once they complete a story, students can print a personalized comic book containing the entire story and a highlight card with the key points to use as prompts.

bullying full comic page

Note: Stories in Motion is one of five online, social emotional learning interventions.


Try Centervention’s evidence-based, online SEL interventions for your entire roster of students free for 30 days!

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Parents and Homeschool Educators

You can purchase Stories in Motion for use at home here