How to Purchase Centervention Programs

Educator Purchasing Options

School Year Site License

For most educators, we recommend purchasing a Centervention School Year Site License. With a site license:

  • It’s painless to share licenses and student accounts between multiple educators
  • Any number of educators can be assigned to the site license at no additional cost
  • Each student has unlimited access to Centervention programs until June 30th of the current school year
  • Educators may switch students between any of Centervention’s five evidence-based programs during the year
  • Setting up student rosters is quick and simple, and students may access Centervention via ClassLink or Clever Sign Sign-On (SSO)
  • School year site license owners and admins have a weekly report summarizing usage and progress across all students and educators
  • Centervention Site Licenses are now available to The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) and BuyBoard members.

Pricing is based on the number of students you expect to use the programs:

Up to
50 Students


Up to
100 Students


Up to
250 Students


Up to
500 Students


1000 or
More Students

$5 per student

To request your quote for a Centervention School Year Site License, please email or call (919) 283-8899.

Individual Student Licenses

If you only working with a few students, you may purchase Individual Students Licenses. You have 12 months from the date of purchase to assign the license to a student, and each student license is then valid for 12 months from the date that it was assigned; however individual student licenses are limited for use to a single educator.

If you would like to use and share licenses across multiple educators, please select the school year site license option above that best meets your needs.

1+ licenses


per license

ESSA Evidence: Adventures Aboard the S.S. GRIN listed with “‘Strong’ ratings on Social Relationships and Emotional Well-Being.

Purchase Orders: We are happy to accept valid purchase orders from your school, institution, or company via email at or mailed to the following address:

PO Box 16577
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Quotes: If you need a formal quote or need a copy of our W-9, please email us at If your school or district is a member of TIPS, you can request a custom quote by indicating that you are a member.

TIPS Information: Our contract with TIPS is: 240804 Academic and Educational Goods and Services

BuyBoard Information: Our contract with BuyBoard is: Proposal No. 748-24

Credit Cards: You may purchase individual program licenses by:

  • Logging in to your educator dashboard
  • In the left-hand sidebar, click the Purchasing page, and then the “Purchase Licenses” button
  • After completing your purchase,  your program license(s) will be credited to your account immediately

Note: If you are purchasing on behalf on another educator, you can request a “click-to-pay” invoice. Just email us at with the number of program licenses you need to purchase and the email address of the educator that will be using the licenses.

Funding Suggestions: Here are a few tips for funding your purchase of Centervention programs.

Phone: You may also reach us by telephone at (919) 283-8899.

Parents and Homeschool Educators

$12 per student for a 12 month subscription
