Funding to Purchase Centervention Programs

After using our programs, most educators decide to purchase additional licenses, but sometimes they are unsure of where to find funding.  The good news is, we have several suggestions based on our experience working with thousands of educators across the country.

However if you don’t see what you are looking for below, please ask for help. You can email us at, and we will be happy to help you craft a proposal or a grant application with the key supporting elements.

1 – Convince Your Principal/Administration:

Your principal may have knowledge of budget funds that can be used for specific purposes like technology in the classroom, reducing office referrals, Title I funds, school improvement funds, etc. We’ve included a template letter (see below) to share with your principal to help convince them to fund the program.

2 – Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Many PTAs have funds to sponsor specific projects for educators.  The template letter (see below) for use with school administrators can also be used with your PTA to explain what our programs are, how they benefit students, and their cost.

3 – Apply for a Grant

Independent grants are often available at different times of year specifically for integrating technology into the classroom as well as for social and emotional skills programs. There are also ways to crowd fund projects for your classroom.

• Educational foundation associated with your district: Ask your administration if there is an educational foundation associated with your school district, and how you may go about applying for a grant. Educators at US public or public charter schools can create a project on the site, such as improving social and emotional skills using one of Centervention’s programs. It doesn’t cost anything to create a project, but you’ll only get the licenses if your project meets its funding goal. Sharing the project on social media for friends and family to donate, as well as tapping into the DonorsChoose network, helps get the project funded.

4 – Request Funds from Local/Community Organizations

There may be funding available from certain community organizations. Consider reaching out to local organizations to check out their requirements and your eligibility. Ideas include:

  • Private foundations (particularly those with a geographic focus)
  • Community foundations
  • Service organizations (Rotary clubs, Junior League, Knights of Columbus, etc.)
  • Faith-based institutions
  • Mental health organizations
  • Hospitals and medical clinics
  • Libraries

Template Letter for School Administrators or PTAs

Dear [PTA President or School Administrator],

I would like to purchase [insert program name(s)] from Centervention to help my students improve their social and emotional skills. I have already used the program, and I am impressed and extremely pleased with the benefits. For example, [Insert anecdote from your own experience here.]

From my educator account, I am able to track student progress and see data on the performance for each student. This data is extremely helpful in my discussions with parents and with other educators. [You may want to include a sample report with your request for funding]. And these programs are research and evidence-based and created with funding from the Department of Education.

This program is only $12 per student license, and I would like to use it with [# of students]. So I am requesting [dollar amount] in funding.

I’m happy to answer any questions or show you how the program works.


[Educator name]